Jan 05, 2017 | Marilynn Thivierge | 745 views
Tournament Rules
Tournament Rules / Additional Information - Each team’s coach and/or manager must check in at the Greeting table ~1 Hour before your first game. Teams must submit an official team roster, and travel permit. - Please be aware of the times and the schedule. Times are approximate starts. Please be ready to go when the zamboni leaves the ice prior to your scheduled game!! Any player / coaching staff whose name appears on the team roster may participate in the Tournament.
1. This tournament is sanctioned by the OMHA. All OMHA rules governing hockey shall apply.
2. All sanctions and/or suspensions imposed on any player or team official prior to start of the tournament should be revealed with the tournament organizer during sign in. Any suspensions received during the tournament will include or be in effect for tournament games.
3. All referees decisions are final. We ask that each team be respectful of the officials, verbal abuse will not be tolerated.
4. Each team must be dressed and prepared to start the game 15 minutes early. The Two Minute warm-up time will commence as soon as the zamboni doors are closed.
5. The HOME and VISITING TEAMS have been assigned by the tournament organizers for all round robin games. HOME TEAM will wear light coloured jerseys/sweaters. If colours conflict, the VISITING TEAM will change. The team with the highest points during the round robin play will be the home team during the championship games. If two teams are tied a coin toss will decide the HOME team (Further travelling team makes the call).
6. Shake hands prior to the start of each game.
7. Teams are expected to vacate dressing rooms in a timely fashion.
8. Each round robin and Championship game will consist of two ten minute and one 12 minute stop time periods. A two-minute warm-up is provided at the start of each game. There will be no curfew clock in affect.
9. If a goal difference of five is registered at any time in the third period we will revert to running time. If the goal difference becomes less than five, the time will again revert to stop time.
10.Games ending in a Tie during Round Robin play end in a tie. Play-off (Semi-Finals and Championships) Game ties will be resolved by:
a. One 5 minute sudden death, stop time period of 3 on 3, plus goalies. All penalties incurred in regular time must carry over into overtime. At no time will a team go below three skaters and one goalie -- in the event of a penalty the non-penalized team will add one skater and the penalized team will put a player in the penalty box. At the expiration of the penalty, the penalized player will come out of the box and remain on the ice until the first stoppage in play when both teams will revert back to three skaters and one goalie.
b. If the game remains tied at the end of overtime periods, the “Penalty Shot” rule will apply. The coach of each team will select three players to participate in a shoot out against the goaltender of the opposing team. Both teams will shoot simultaneously until all six players have had a chance to shoot. The team with the most goals after the six shooters (3 / team) will win the game.
c. If the game remains tied after all six shooters, the shoot out will continue in a “sudden death” format. A winner will be chosen when one team scores and the other team does not score. No player may shoot twice in the shoot out until the team with the least amount of players has all shot. At this point both teams can begin sending players who have already shot.
11. Each team is allowed one 30 second time out during championships games only. The timeout must be used in regulation time. Timeouts are not allowed during overtime. There are no timeouts allowed during round robin games.
12. In accordance with OMHA rules, all players must wear approved neck protection. Goalies must wear approved neck protector and throat protector. Mouth Guards are required if your association requires them.
13. The GMHA or Gananoque Midget Rep Hockey Team does not accept any responsibility or liability for accidents or injuries which may occur during the tournament or during travel to and from tournament games.
Tournament round robin games will be used to determine the position of each team in their pool. The scoring system is based on the following: All teams will be ranked 1st to 4th within their pools, based on total points after playing three complete games in round robin. There are no overtime periods if the score is tied after any round robin game. A 5-point system will be awarded in each round robin game as follows: * 1 point to win a period * ½ point to tie a period * 1 point to tie a game * 2 points to win a game Round Robin Tie Breakers After round robin play if there is a tie in total points, the following will be used as tie breakers.
a. If all four teams are tied, the team with the best goals differential (goals for minus goals against) will be seeded higher.
b. If two or more teams are still tied, team winning head-to-head contest will be seeded higher.
c. If two or more teams are still tied the team with the highest number of goals for will be seeded higher.
d. If two teams are still tied the team with the least amount of penalty minutes will be seeded higher.
e. If still deadlocked, simply flip a coin (team that has travelled the greatest distance to tournament will have option of calling prior to the toss) winner of the toss will determine who will be seeded higher.