GMHATournament Rules, News, Gananoque Challenge -- Bantam House League, 2018-2019 (Gananoque Minor Hockey)

This Tournament is part of the 2018-2019 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Dec 26, 2018 | Administration | 437 views
GMHATournament Rules


Gananoque Minor Hockey Association (GMHA)

Tournament Rules

(Master Copy December 2018)






1.     Sanction and Regulations - All GMHA tournaments are sanctioned by the Ontario Minor Hockey Association (OMHA).  All OMHA rules apply and will be enforced.

2.     Eligibility – Teams must be registered with their home association and must be in good standing.

3.     Team Composition – Each team can carry up to 17 players and 2 goalies.  All players on the team (including affiliated players) must be registered through their home association and must be listed on the official team roster.  A copy of the official team roster must be provided to the tournament coordinator no later than one week prior to the start of the tournament.  No team will be permitted to play without a valid roster. 

4.     Travel Permits – All teams are required to provide approved travel permits from their home associations.

5.     Team Managers – The team manager or coach must check in at the registration table 45 minutes prior to the start of the team’s first game in order to verify that all team documentation is in order.  The registration table will be located at the tournament office (GMHA office), which is at the top of the first set of stairs upon entering the arena.  Please note that game sheets are to be completed (filled out and signed) in the tournament office.

6.     Team Trainers – Each team is required to have a registered trainer on the bench for each game.  In the event that the team’s trainer is not available, the trainer from the opposing team may act on his/her behalf but must sign the game sheet accordingly.

7.     Governance – The tournament committee and/or tournament coordinator reserve the right to make any decisions on the interpretation of the tournament rules, objections, protests, etc. All decisions by the organizers will be final.

8.     Officials – On-ice officials, timekeepers and scorekeepers are assigned by GMHA.  On-ice officials will have the final say on all goals and penalties awarded.



Point System


All preliminary round games will be played on a point system with a maximum of two points allocated as follows:

·         2 points awarded for a win

·         1 point awarded for a tie

·         0 points awarded for a loss


To promote sportsmanship, a maximum of a five-goal differential will be used in recording the score and in calculating the tie breakers note below.  For example, a team that wins a preliminary round game by a score of 8-1 will earn 2 points for the win but will be credited with 6 goals for and 1 against for the purposes of the tie breakers.


In the event that a team forfeits a game or fails to complete a game, a score of 3-0 will be recorded and the winning team will be awarded 2 points.



Tie Breakers (for Seeding following Preliminary Rounds)


In the event that two or more teams earn the same number of points after the preliminary round, the tie will be broken based on the following system:

     I.    Winner of head to head games

   II.    The team with most wins

 III.     The team with fewest losses

IV.    The team with the fewest goals scored against them

  V.    The team with the best ratio of [goals for/(goals for + goals against]

VI.    The team with the fewest penalty minutes

VII.    The team that scored the earliest goal in any game of the tournament

VIII.    The flip of a coin


Overtime and Shoot-Out Procedure (Qualifiers, Quarter-final, Semi-final and Championships)       


If a qualifying game, quarter-final, or semi-final game is tied after regulation time, the teams will play a 5-minute, 3-on-3, sudden death overtime period, followed by a sudden death shoot-out, if required.  In a championship game the 3-on-3 overtime period will be 10 minutes, followed by a sudden death shoot out, if required.  If a team is assessed a penalty in the overtime period, the other team will be allowed to ice a fourth skater for the duration of the penalty.  Upon the expiration of the penalty, the team that was serving the penalty can also ice a fourth skater until the next stoppage, after which play will return to the 3-on-3 format for the duration of the overtime period.  In the event of a shoot-out, no player on a team will be allowed to shoot a second time until every player on the team has attempted a shot (excluding goalies).  If time permits, the teams will alternate shooters, with the home team deciding which team shoots first.  Otherwise, both teams will shoot simultaneously. 



Game Format


All games will consist of a 2-minute warm-up and three 10/10/10 minute stop time periods. All preliminary round  games will be curfewed after 50 minutes (including the 2 min warm-up).  Referees will have the authority to stop the curfew clock if circumstances warrant.  Championship games will not be curfewed.


If during the third period the goal differential is 5 or more, the game clock will be allowed to run “straight time” until the goal differential drops to 3 or lower.  The only time the clock would stop during straight time is if an on-ice injury were to occur.  Players assessed minor or major penalties during straight time will serve three (3) or seven (7) minutes of straight time respectively.   


No timeouts shall be allowed in any preliminary round or semi-final games. In the championship games, each team will be allowed one 30-second time out.


Each team must be dressed and ready to start the game 15 minutes early, in the event that the tournament is running ahead of schedule.


When team colours conflict, the home team will be expected to change sweaters.


If for any reason a goalie cannot continue to play and no second goalie is available, he/she must be replaced immediately by a substitute player.




Players must not go on to the ice until the arena staff has left the ice, and the Zamboni door has been closed.


Team officials are not allowed to cross the ice in order to access the benches or dressing rooms.


All participating players must wear neck protectors and mouth guards at all times, unless the team’s local association does not require them.


Note that in accordance with rule 17 of the OMHA Manual & Operations, ALL goal tenders MUST wear a neck protector, known as a "Billy Goat." In the event that a goalie does not have a "Billy Goat" they will NOT be allowed to play in the game. The Billy Goat must be properly attached to the face mask, otherwise a 2 minute minor penalty for improper wearing of this equipment Reg 17.4a and or 17.4b will be assessed by the one-ice official.


Circumstances Warranting Ejections


Any 5 minute major penalty for fighting, any match penalty, or any gross misconduct penalty will disqualify the player/team official from any further participation in the tournament.


Any player receiving three minor penalties, in any one game, will be ejected from that game.


This is a no alcohol event.  Zero tolerance is in effect for all coaches, players and spectators and will be strictly enforced by the referees and/or the tournament committee.



Respecting Others and the Facility


Please be respectful of everyone associated with the tournament.  Note that any abuse (verbal or otherwise) of players, coaches, spectators, officials, tournament officials, or facility staff, will not be tolerated.


Please also respect the facility.  Out of courtesy to other participants, please vacate the dressing room within 15 minutes of the conclusion of any game, and kindly ensure that all tape, water bottles, etc. have been placed in the appropriate receptacles before leaving.  Note that offending teams will be held responsible for damage to arena property.


All coaches are responsible for their players’ actions both on and off the ice.




GMHA and the Tournament Organizing Committee do not accept any responsibility for theft, damage, accidents or injuries to participants, spectators, equipment, personal belongings, etc. as the result of participating in this event



Contact Information


If you have any questions leading up to or during the tournament, feel free to contact:


GMHA Tournament Committee -- [email protected]


Most of all, have fun and Good Luck!!!!!!!!!!





































Tournament Formats


Multiple Day Formats:


Ten Team, Three-Day Format, with Three Games Guaranteed (Maximum 5 Games)


Each team will play three games in the preliminary round, after which teams will be ranked from 1-10 based on the points earned (see “Point System”).  Teams 5 through 10 will be eliminated from further play.  Team 1 and Team 4 will play one semifinal, with Team 2 and Team 3 playing the second semifinal.  The winner of each semifinal will move on to play in the championship game.



Nine Team, Three-Day Format, with Three Games Guaranteed (Maximum 6 Games)


Each team will play two games in the preliminary round, after which teams will be ranked from 1-9 based on the points earned (see “Point System”).  Teams seeded 8th and 9th will play a qualifying game to see which team advances to the quarter finals.  The team that loses the qualifying game will be eliminated from further play. 



Eight Team, Three-Day Format, with Three Games Guaranteed (Maximum 5 Games)


Each team will play two games in the preliminary round, after which the teams will be seeded from 1-8 based on points.  Four quarter-final games (1 vs 8, 2 vs 7, 3 vs 6, 4 vs 5) will be played to determine which teams qualify for the semi-finals.


Seven Team, Three-Day Format, with Three Games Guaranteed (Maximum 5 Games)


Each team will play two games in the preliminary round, after which teams will be ranked from 1-7 based on the points earned (see “Point System”).  The team seeded # 1 will receive a direct buy into the first semi-final.  Teams seeded 2-7 will play a third game (2 vs 7, 3 vs 6, 5 vs 4) to determine which three additional teams will move on to the semi-finals.  The winner of each semifinal will move on to play in the championship game.



Six Team, Three-Day Format, with Three Games Guaranteed (Maximum 5 Games)


Each team will play three games in the preliminary round, after which teams will be ranked from 1-6 based on the points earned (see “Point System”).  Teams 5 and 6 will be eliminated from further play.  Team 1 and Team 4 will play one semifinal, with Team 2 and Team 3 playing the second semifinal.  The winner of each semifinal will move on to play in the championship game.




Six Team, Two-Day Format, with Three Games Guaranteed (Maximum 5 Games)


Each team will play two games in the preliminary round, after which teams will be ranked from 1-6 based on the points earned (see “Point System”).  Seeds 1 and 2 will advance directly to the semi-finals.  Teams 3-6 will play qualification games to see which teams advances to the semi-finals. 


Five Team, Two-Day Format, with Three Games Guaranteed (Maximum 5 Games)


Each team will play two games in the preliminary round, after which teams will be ranked from 1-5 based on the points earned (see “Point System”).  Teams 4 and 5 will play a qualifying game, with the loser being eliminated from further play, while the winner will move on to face Team 1 in one semifinal.  Team 2 and Team 3 will play in the second semifinal.  The winner of each semifinal will move on to play in the championship game.



Four Team, Two-Day Format, with Three Games Guaranteed (Maximum 5 Games)


Each team will play the other three teams in the preliminary round, after which teams will be ranked from 1-4, based on the points earned (see “Point System”).  Team 1 and Team 4 will play one semifinal, with Team 2 and Team 3 playing the second semifinal.  The winner of each semifinal will move on to play in the championship game.


Single Day Format:


Eight Team, Single Day Format, Three Games per Team


Each team will play two preliminary round games, after which each of the teams will be ranked from 1-8, based on the points earned (see “Point System”).  The teams ranked 7th and 8th will play for the “D” Championship, the 5th and 6th ranked teams will play for the “C” Championship, the 3rd and 4th ranked teams will play for the “B” Championship, and the 1st and 2nd ranked teams will play for the “A” Championship.


Six Team, Single Day Format, Three Games per Team


Each team will play two preliminary round games, after which each of the teams will be ranked from 1-6, based on the points earned (see “Point System”).  The teams ranked 5th and 6th will play for the “C” Championship, the 3rd and 4th ranked teams will play for the “B” Championship, and the 1st and 2nd ranked teams will play for the “A” Championship.

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