GMHA News Update, News, U15 RS (Gananoque Minor Hockey)

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Organization | Aug 11, 2020 | Robb Bowman | 24096 views
GMHA News Update
Hello GMHA Families:

Just sharing an update from the executive. Currently we are awaiting on information from the OHF and the Town as to the requirements for the return to play, based on this we can then determine what our programming will look like. Once we obtain this information we will communicate the plans moving forward. There are many unanswered questions at this time that I am sure all of us have i.e. can we play outside our health unit? Will there be travelling ICHL/Rep hockey during the 2020-21 season how many people can be in the rink and the list goes on and on. Trust that your executive is trying to sort through all of this the best we can.

At this time we continue to ask you to complete the intent to register online survey on our website. Knowing what our numbers will roughly be will help us know what sort of programming we can prepare. At this time there are no fees being collected. Get your name in before August 14th and your name will be entered into a draw for a free membership. Also, important to submit your intent to register so we do not have to create wait lists based on the roll out of the program to be offered. 

Again, we hope to have some idea of a return to play program sorted out by the end of the month and we will continue to work with the OHF, the Town of Gananoque, the local health unit and our surrounding hockey communities.

Some important dates upcoming

  • August 14th: Deadline to register for the free 2020-21 registration
  • August 22nd OHMA virtual AGM


Stay safe and enjoy the rest of summer


Your GMHA Executive


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