GMHA Info -- Season start up Info, News, U13 REP (Gananoque Minor Hockey)

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Organization | Aug 24, 2019 | Administration | 25438 views
GMHA Info -- Season start up Info
Hello all,

Hard to believe that school and the start of hockey are just around the corner!!While everyone has, hopefully, been enjoying their summer your GMHA Executive has been hard at work behind the scenes getting things organized for the 2019-2020 hockey season.

Registration -- It is still open but the executive is working on sorting through our numbers and determining the number of ICHL teams we can roster.  Please note by not registering you may be placing yourself on a wait list as we cannot field teams of 20. 

If your registering now you may be placed on a wait list until a time we can determine if teams can be split.  It is not reasonable to run teams with small numbers and risk the chance of forfeits due to attendance/work schedules/injury.  If you have any questions regarding registration please contact Marilynn Thivierge (REGISTRAR) at [email protected] or Charlene O’Connor (TREASURER) at [email protected]

Any players new to GMHA are required to provide a copy of their birth certificate/health card/ passport for age verification. One family member is required to take the mandatory RESPECT in SPORT Parent course, shortly after your registration if processed you will receive an email with the instructions on how to complete this course.

Start Dates
Future Stars, IP and Minor Novice are expected to hit the ice on Saturday, September 14th. Please refer to the GMHA website ( for exact times.  Players are asked to bring a jersey with them for the first couple of sessions,  as the Timbit Jerseys typically do not arrive until the end of September.Future Stars are on the ice every Saturday morning and the IP and Minor Novice groups are on Saturday and Sunday mornings with the season end typically by mid February.

Novice to Midget (both house league and REP) are expected to be on the ice starting Saturday, September 7th. Please refer to the GMHA website ( for exact times. House League generally starts the first weekend in October and runs the end of February, this includes playoffs.  REP generally starts the last weekend in September, with OMHA playoffs commencing the second weekend in Janaury, league playoffs also in January/February.

Rep Tryouts: Commence September 4th. Schedule is posted on the website (  
Should you wish to tryout at an additional level please contact either Marilynn Thivierge or Charlene O’Connor. Players trying out for REP are able to try out and their own division and one division higher. Should one wish to try out for a second division they are required to pay the REP tryout fee for the second level as well. 

Please see below the player movement regulations as outlined in our Constitution:

Player Movement: Is considered by the executive and in accordance with the constitution:

B. 6.01 Players will not be allowed to play out of their own classification except with the approval of the player, the player's parents or guardian, and a majority of the Executive that is able to vote without a stating a conflict of interest prior to the vote. 

B. 6.02 Players shall be eligible to try-out for and, if qualified by ability, may register and play for a team in the next higher division with the approval of the player, player’s parents or guardians and if the GMHA Executive’s evaluation deems the player's ability fits policy requirement below. If player is not successful in trying out at the higher level, they must have registered and attended the tryouts of the division they are classed as in order to be eligible to make that team. 

B.6.03 In order to play in a higher division a player must be evaluated by an external committee (comprising a minimum of one member of the Executive and a maximum committee GMHA Constitution and By-Laws membership of five), in both divisions or categories of try-outs or Local League Evaluations. If player is within top three players of the higher category and/or top goaltender, the player may be permitted to move. Player movement must be approved by majority of Executive as outlined and indicated in B6.01.


Current registration numbers, including REP:
Novice: 28
Atom: 26
Peewee: 26
Bantam:19 * team currently capped for ICHL until numbers increase for second team – need 6/7 more players to field a second team
Midget: 28 *  team currently capped for ICHL until numbers increase for second team – need 6/7 more players to field a second team  

Bench Staff (coaches, trainers, managers)We are always looking for people to be on the bench!!The online application is still open for those who wish to volunteer for ICHL teams at all levels.  Please complete this if you are interested in coaching/assisting a team this season. 

All bench staff is required to be properly trained and certified.  If you are uncertain of your qualification or interested in attending a clinic  please email Marilynn Thivierge at [email protected] addition all bench staff are required to have a valid/up to date police check, you will not be permitted to be on the ice without one. If you do not wish to be on the teams bench staff but wish to be an on-ice volunteer please also contact Marilynn Thivierge for the requirements for this. 

Rowan’s Law: New this year, all players, coaches and parents are required to have this completed and a copy to be retained on file by the organization.  Back in March 2018 the Ontario government passed Rowan’s Law (Concussion Safety) and it applies to all sport organizations – it is not a “hockey thing”. For more information on Rowan’s Law please see the article on our website, forms can be accessed from there as well. 

Please continue to check the GMHA website for more information regarding the 2019-2020 Hockey season.

Your GMHA Executive 2019-2020





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