We're back!!!, News, U7 Team 2 (One Day A Week Program) (Gananoque Minor Hockey)

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Organization | Sep 22, 2020 | Administration | 22983 views
We're back!!!
Hello GMHA Families,

This weekend marks the return of minor hockey to Gananoque, albeit in a different format than previous years, but nevertheless we are back!!

We would like to go over a few things to help everyone with the new protocols in place.

Before arriving at the arena….


Each day your player has ice time you are required to do a screen test within one hour of ice time for any symptoms.  To help aid this GMHA has rolled out an electronic assessment tool.  Members are to answer the questions on the on line form COVID-19 Health Questionnaire.


If you are on your computer it is located on the main page.


If you are accessing the website from your phone then click on menu tab and then it

will take you to the organization menu and you can access it from there.



Once you have answered the health questionnaire click on the COVID-19 Entry Form and answer the questions there.


If you do not have access to a computer or phone there will be hard copies available at the arena.



Upon entering the arena……..


When you arrive at the arena you will wait outside until the door is opened – please do not be at the arena more than 15 minutes ahead of your scheduled ice time.


All player(s) and parents/guardians will need to sign the contract tracing sheet – providing name(s), contact number and verify that you completed the health questionnaire.  If you have not completed the on line health questionnaire you will be asked to complete a paper one.


GMHA would ask families should you not be staying with your child you assign an off-ice person as an emergency contact.



Masks: Upon entering the arena all parents and players will be required to wear their mask.  Players must keep their mask on until they put their helmet on. It is extremely important that players put on their mask back on following their ice time while in change rooms and exiting the arena. We encourage a friendly reminder from coaches, parents and staff.


Equipment: Players are reminded to come to the arena dressed.  Players will be permitted in their assigned dressing room to put on their skates, gloves and helmet. Reminder that the showers and bathrooms in the dressing rooms will not be operational.  Full equipment (includes neck/mouth guards) are required for all ice sessions. All equipment must be worn in appropriate manner. Failure will be removal from the ice. 





Ice sessions: The first two weeks must be practice skills development. No team formations will occur at this time.  There will be no contact and players are to adhere to physical distancing at all times while in the arena.  Players once ready should not wait near the ice entry doors, please keep them in or near the dressing rooms spaced out where fully possible. Dressing rooms limits are posted and will need to be adhered to.  



Ice times have been posted on the GMHA website.  If you are on a computer scroll to the bottom of the home page to the calendar.  If you are on your phone click on the calendar icon.   Convenors are in the process of emailing the breakdown of the ice times. If you have not received an email stating your ice time please contact your convenor directly

·        Troy Dano at [email protected] for Future Stars, IP, U9 and U11.

·        Trish Cowan at [email protected] for U13, U15 & U18


Teams: Balanced and fair teams will be established near the end of the two week practice skills time frame. The teams will be formed in consultation of coaches, GMHA House convenors and possible rating system. Please note that “Little Johnny” may not get to play with “Little Joey” even though they are best friends. 


Coaches/Trainers:  All teams will need certified coaches and trainers assigned to them. We are still looking for volunteers for these positions. Trainers are not to be on the ice in practices. They must be on the bench. During games one coach and one trainer are allowed to be on the bench but for practices 2-3 coaches are ideal to assist with a successful plan.  One advantage to this season is that all coach/trainer courses are online this season and an in-course class is not required.  Please consider volunteering with GMHA and help make the experiences of the youth a great one.



Lastly, we kindly ask that all parents/players treat your volunteer executive members, coaches, trainers and arena staff with respect and patience while we work through the return to play programming. It will take us some time and we know there will be some bumps in the road. These volunteers are there to help and watch their own children participate in the game they love. Should you have a real issue with anything please put it in writing (email) to the appropriate GMHA executive member to be dealt with at an appropriate time.




~ GMHA Executive

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