Please complete this form if you wish to coach with GMHA.
What does it mean to be a GMHA Minor Hockey Head Coach?
Basic Job Description
ü Oversee and be responsible for all aspects of the day-to-day operation of the assigned team
ü Ensure the objectives of the Association as stated in the By-laws and Constitution and the OMHA Manual of Operations are met
ü Be a spokesperson for the team and represent the team at all meetings and functions
ü Attendance at the pre-season Coaches Meeting is mandatory!
This position requires a Level of Certification as stated in the OMHA Manual of Operations.
All applicants will review and comply with the requirements of the GMHA By-laws and Constitution as well as the OMHA Manual of Operations.
Special attention should be given to the Harassment and Abuse Policy in the OMHA Manual of Operations.
Eligible applicants will require a satisfactory Vulnerable Sector Check / Police Check. Forms can be located on the Association's main website under the FORMS tab and submitted to your local Police Service or OPP Detachment in the jurisdiction where you reside.
The coach, together with the manager, shall be responsible for assisting in any and all fundraising activities of the team.
Aims and Objectives of Our Organization
The objectives of the GMHA are to:
1. foster, the maximum opportunity for youth to participate in amateur hockey within the territory under its control;
2. develop and maintain sportsmanship and good fellowship among all participants for the betterment of their physical, mental and social well-being;
3. sponsor and promote such athletic, social and other activities as may contribute to the moral and financial welfare of the Association.
Responsibilities of the Head Coach
· Establish seasonal goals and objectives for the Team.
· Be a role model for your players in reference to appropriate behaviour towards officials, other coaches and other players.
· Develop leadership abilities in young athletes
· Meet with parents of athletes and at the preseason meeting outline philosophies, ice time, playing time and other important aspects of your plan.
· Demonstrate a sincere effort in helping each athlete to maximize his or her potential.
· Mentor the necessary hockey skills for the age group as outlines in the NCCP Coaching Course.
· Develop a seasonal plan.
· Mentor skills using the proper sequences and progressions.
· Mentor skills using understandable language.
· Recognize that athletes differ in learning and readiness to learn, and that learning requires the acquisition of skills and attitudes. This requires patience and perseverance of the coach and player before the required behaviour will be consistently demonstrated in game play.
· Mentor more than just hockey skills!
· Plan effective practices (seasonal plan should include practice plan)
· Select support staff that meets the Associations standard and approval and will provide maximum benefit to you and your players.
· Hold regular parent and player meetings/send weekly communications to the team by email (or delegate this task to your Manager)
· Review a safety action plan with your trainer.
· Ensure that all ice and dressing room activities have adult supervision.
· Report any arena deficiencies to the Association Executive.
· Review player equipment on a regular basis for defects and advise parents accordingly.
· Monitor rehabilitation of injured athletes and ensure medical clearance to return to play.
· Report any issues and concerns to the Executive to ensure that Association can assist in the resolution of difficulties at an early stage, and improve overall hockey program on an ongoing basis.