Permission to Skate & Non-resident Player Registration Forms, News (Gananoque Minor Hockey)

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Mar 17, 2024 | Administration | 812 views
Permission to Skate & Non-resident Player Registration Forms
Tryouts for AAA and AA are fast approaching, tryouts will either be in the spring or the fall depending on the players age category.

In order to be eligible to attend tryouts you must be in receipt of either a PTS (Permission to Skate)form for AAA or a NRP card (Non Resident Player) for AA. 

You will not be permitted on the ice without them.

U10/U11 are eligible for AAA only
U12 and above are eligible for AAA and AA 

To obtain a form/card please complete the link on the home page of the website or by clicking the link below

Once you complete the required form you will be sent an email with the PTS or NRP form. Emails will be sent prior to the registration date for tryouts .

Good luck to those players attending tryouts.