REMINDER -- AGM is APRIL 20th 7pm, News (Gananoque Minor Hockey)

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Apr 13, 2022 | Administration | 435 views
REMINDER -- AGM is APRIL 20th 7pm
Reminder to join us WEDNESDAY APRIL 20th @ 7pm for GMHA's AGM

Once again the AGM will be held via Zoom!

There are several positions this year coming up for re-election.
The following positions are up for re-election this year:
2nd VP (REP Convenor)
OMHA Centre Contact/Registrar
ICHL Convenors (2 positions)
Ice Scheduler
VP - 1 year remaining in 2yr term
Equipment Director - 1 year remaining in a 2yr term

Description of Executive Roles & Responsibilities


·        The President is overall responsible for the effective leadership and management of the GMHA

·        The President coordinates the work of the Executive Committee

·        The President is the primary point of contact with the community and other outside agencies on all matters   of significance affecting the GMHA.

·        The President sets the agenda for meetings of the Executive Committee, and all general meetings of   GMHA

·        The President presides at all meetings of the Executive Committee, and all general meetings of the

·        The President when available shall preside at all meetings of GMHA.

·        Shall be empowered to have a meeting at the request of three or more members of the executive

·        Shall be an Ex-official Member of all Standing Committees.

·        Shall perform all duties as naturally fall within the boundaries of the office.

2nd VP - REP Covenor 

·        Shall perform the duties of the President or First Vice-President in their absences

·        Shall perform such duties as assigned by the President and/or the GMHA Executive

·        Shall represent GMHA as REP Team Convenor Shall act as Convenor for all Rep Teams

·        Shall be GMHA REP Tournament Contact

·        Shall Chair the REP Team Coach Selection Committee

·        Shall attend GMHA meetings

OMHA Centre Contact/Registrar

·        Works closely with the President, Vice-President, REP & ICHL Convenors , and Ice Scheduler

·        Ensures all teams, team officials’ and members, comply with all OMHA rules and regulations

·        Advises the Executive Committee on OMHA activities and rules and regulations pertaining to GMHA  members and officials.

·        Shall along with the President represent GMHA at any hearing directed by the OMHA, involving GMHA  players or coaches.

·        First point of contact for GMHA team officials for clarification or questions on OMHA rules and regulations

·        Shall act as Registrar and be responsible for all aspects of registration 

·        Shall maintain records and file all OMHA Player and Bench Staff Registration by OMHA deadlines

·        Shall issue all travel permit requests for exhibition and tournament play for all GMHA teams

·        Shall handle and maintain all player affiliation requests

·        Shall prepare all tournament sanctions and complete reconciliations

·        Shall issue all Permission to Skate/NRP requests (for tryout purposes)

·        Track and report all suspensions, verify suspension term in notification to coach

·        Communicate deadlines to appropriate Executive members (i.e. roster addition to coach coordinator,  affiliated player deadline, etc.)

·        Work with teams (coaches/trainers) to finalize bench staff for roster approval, resubmitting rosters for approval as required

·        Responding to registration questions, providing support to members

·        Maintain teams (players / coaches) on GMHA website (additions/deletions)

·        Maintain approved rosters (additions/deletions/approvals)

·        Maintain contact information (HCR and GMHA website)

·        Coordinate with the Treasurer fees on HCR for on line registration

·        Resolves all issues of status relating to player registration

·        Shall ensure that each team is given and submits a completed Affiliated Players (AP) list to the OMHA

·        Tracks player information in a database and reports frequently to executive, and others as requested.

·        Provides player registration data and documentation for municipalities as required 

·        Maintains privacy of personal information provided to the association.  

·        Attends monthly meeting of the EOMHL and report back to GMHA

·        Attend meetings of the GMHA  Executive.


·        Shall perform duties as assigned by the President and/or Executive

·        Shall keep an accurate record of all GMHA Executive meetings

Ice Scheduler

·        Shall perform such duties as assigned by the President and/or Executive

·        Works closely with the President and Registrar/OMHA Centre Contact

·        Principal point of contact for the GMHA on matters of ice allocation

·        Shall be responsible for scheduling all games/practices for all ICHL/REP teams for regular season, playoffs and exhibition games

·        Shall attend scheduling meetings for both REP/ICHL teams

·        Shall be responsible for scheduling and training competent timekeepers for both ICHL/REP games be it exhibition, regular season, playoffs or home tournaments

·        Shall be responsible for the monthly recap of Timekeeper hours and pass onto GMHA Treasurer for the issue of payment

·        Review invoices from the Town of Gananoque for accuracy with the Treasurer

·       Attend meetings of the GMHA Executive.

ICHL Convenors -- U5 to U11 & U13 to U18

·        Attends meeting of the GMHA Executive

·        Represents GMHA at all ICHL meetings

·        Shall perform such duties as assigned by the President and/or the Executive

·        Shall recruit coaches, trainers and managers for each team to be approved by the GMHA Executive.

·        Shall co-ordinate and oversee the player draft to ensure balanced teams

·        Ensure team lists are forwarded to Registrar so that teams can be rostered

Vice President 

·        Shall perform the duties of the President in their absence.

·        Shall act as Chair of the Rules and Discipline Committee.

·        Shall convene and chair all Discipline hearings.

·        Shall attend GMHA meetings

Equipment Manager

·        Responsible for purchase and acquisition of approved purchases relating to jerseys and equipment

·        Controls and monitors the use of all GMHA equipment

·        Responsible for the distribution (season start) and retrieval (season end) of all GMHA equipment from players and coaching staff

·        Maintains inventory and provides recommendations on equipment required

·        Attend meetings of GMHA Executive

The following nominations have been received: 

President -- Robb Bowman
Ice Scheduler -- Jeremy France
OMHA Centre Contact/Registrar -- Marilynn Thivierge

AGM Agenda

1. Sign In/Register
2. Presidents welcome address.
3. Reading of the minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting
4. Discussion of minutes.
5. Reading of outstanding correspondence.
6. Business arising out of the outstanding correspondence.
7. President’s Report
8. Treasurer Report 
9. Vice Presidents report
10. REP & Local League Convenor reports
11. Directors Reports – Fundraising, Equipment
12. Old business
13. Consideration of constitution, by-laws, rules, amendments thereof.
14. Election of new Executive Officers
15. New business


GMHA is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: GMHA AGM Apr 20 Time: Apr 20, 2022 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 841 3813 6319 Passcode: 278073 One tap mobile +14388097799,,84138136319#,,,,*278073# Canada +15873281099,,84138136319#,,,,*278073# Canada Dial by your location         +1 438 809 7799 Canada         +1 587 328 1099 Canada         +1 647 374 4685 Canada         +1 647 558 0588 Canada         +1 778 907 2071 Canada         +1 780 666 0144 Canada         +1 204 272 7920 Canada Meeting ID: 841 3813 6319 Passcode: 278073 Find your local number:
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Tim Horton's
THE FIRST GOAL IS HAVING FUN. The Timbits Minor Sports Program is a community-oriented sponsorship program that provides opportunities for kids aged four to nine to play house league sports. The philosophy of the program is not based on winning or losing, but on learning a new sport, making new friends, and just being a kid. Tim Hortons currently supports more than 300,000 children on teams in hockey, soccer, ringette, lacrosse, softball and baseball leagues in Canada. Our sponsorship includes jerseys, coaching tools, participation medals and a local “Timbits Jamboree” to help kick off, or wrap up each season. For more information on registering for a Timbits Program in your community, please contact your local minor sports association.