Return to Hockey Update, News (Gananoque Minor Hockey)

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Jan 22, 2021 | Administration | 186 views
Return to Hockey Update
With the Provincial Governement's announcement on thursday things are looking positive for hockey starting back up by month's end!!! 

GMHA  remains optimistic that we will be allowed back on the ice and the eventual return to game play soon but we are still waiting for direction from our governing bodies (OHF and OMHA) as to how this will affect programming over the coming weeks.  

Our representatives will be atttending meetings, in the upcoming days, for both the ICHL and EOMHL leagues to discuss what the remainder of the hockey season will look like. 

As always, we will share any new information as it becomes available.
Please continue to watch our website and facebook page for when practices and eventually games will recommence. 

We are sure you are all as excited to return to the rink as we are!

Communication from OMHA posted on January 21st .... 


By Ontario Minor Hockey Association01/21/22, 9:30AM EST




The Government of Ontario announced on January 20th the details of steps to cautiously and gradually ease public health measures, starting on January 31, 2022. 
Among the restrictions that will be eased include areas that impact indoor recreational facilities. The capacity limits would be brought back to 50%, which is similar to where we were prior to the current shutdown and early September. The Ontario Minor Hockey Association is currently awaiting further details on how this will affect programming over the coming weeks. As always, we will share any new information when it becomes available.
January 31, 2022
Effective January 31, 2022 at 12:01 a.m. Ontario will begin the process of gradually easing restrictions, while maintaining protective measures, including but not limited to:

  • Increasing or maintaining capacity limits at 50 per cent in indoor public settings, including but not limited to:
    • Non-spectator areas of sports and recreational fitness facilities, including gyms;
    • Allowing spectator areas of facilities such as sporting events, concert venues and theatres to operate at 50 per cent seated capacity or 500 people, whichever is less.

Existing safety measures such as social distancing and masking will remain in place. Effective January 4, 2022, the use of the enhanced COVID-19 vaccine certificate with QR code and the Verify Ontario app has been required where proof of vaccination is required. You can download yours here. The OMHA Vaccination Policy remains in effect.
We are excited to return to the rink in whatever capacity we are permitted to and understand the excitement from players, parents, coaches and administrators. Let’s bring our players from the cold outdoor rinks to the warmth of the arenas!
