WELCOME BACK... and a few reminders ;), News (Gananoque Minor Hockey)

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Oct 07, 2021 | Administration | 603 views
WELCOME BACK... and a few reminders ;)
Welcome back everyone!!!!!

It is starting to feel like old times --- Practices have begun and games are being scheduled!! 

Regular season games  for REP begin October 15 with the home openers for U11 and U13 both on SUNDAY OCTOBER 16th starting at 2pm.

Regular season games for ICHL will commence the following weekend. Their schedules are being done up next week.

A FEW IMPORTANT REMINDERS for when people show up at the rink. 

1. To enter the rink you will be required to show proof of full vaccination (this includes the 14 days after your 2nd shot) and a piece of ID -- this is for anyone born after 2009 

2. Contract tracing will be done at the front door. 

3.Please complete the COVID-19 Portal as soon as possible -- this is required for all players 2009+ and any bench staff (coaches, trainers, managers) as we will not be able to roster the team without verification. 

4. Have fun :)