What to Expect When You Arrive at the Rink, News (Gananoque Minor Hockey)

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Sep 26, 2021 | Administration | 821 views
What to Expect When You Arrive at the Rink
With the rink's scheduled opening date fast approaching (October 4th)we thought we should outline what to expect when you arrive at the arena.

Effective September 22, 2021, the Province of Ontario now requires patrons to provide proof of identification (showing name and date of birth) and of being fully vaccinated to enter the Lou Jeffries Arena.

As per Provincial Regulations and Municipal Policy, everyone entering a recreation facility will be required to comply with the following:
1. COVID – 19 Screening (on Gananqoue Minor Hockey Website-can be done electronically)
2. COVID – 19 Contact Tracing
3. Showing of Covid – 19 Passport (from September 22, 2021 for all individuals over the age of 12 years) 
Admittance will be denied if the appropriate documentation is not presented. 

Anyone under 12 years of age is exempt from producing a vaccine passport but still must be screened and contact traced by the user group representative.

Similiar to last year we ask everyone to review the COVID-19 Health Questionnaire and complete the COVID Entry Form. This is to be done prior to arriving at the arena!! The entry form can be found on the home page of the GMHA website (www.ganminorhockey.com). If you are unable to complete this at home or on your phone there should be forms at the  rink.

As people enter the arena, by the main entrance, there will be someone at the door doing contract tracing and checking for your proof of vacination and ID. 

The doors to the arena will open 20 minutes before your scheduled ice time.  

Change rooms are open. Participants, while not required, are strongly encouraged to come to the arena with as much gear on as safely possible. 

Players are asked to undress as quickly as possible and to exit the building through the assigned door.

At this time the Town has stated that there is no limit to how many spectators can come to watch a participantbut we ask that you try keep this in mind so we can be sure we do not exceed the 50% capacity (300 people) set by the Town. Fans are encouraged to keep 2 metres apart; however, if you are all within the same household/bubble you can sit next to each other. 

The water bottle station in the arena will be available for use this season. The canteen will not be operational this year. Outside beverages (non alcoholic) can be brought into the rink this season --please remember to put the empty cups in the garbage cans provided.

Please keep in mind that the parking lot is considered part of the arena and all regulations regarding physical distancing and gathering apply so please do not hang around before or after your ice time.

DO NOT ENTER THE FACILTY if you have been in contact with someone with COVID19 or have any of these symptoms:
 Cough or shortness of breath
 Fever or chills
 Sore throat or difficult swallowing
 Running nose or congestion
 Loss of taste or smell
 Headache
 Fatigue
 Nausea/vomiting or diarrhea

Last of all, have fun!

Kingston Orthopaedic Pain Institute 800 John Marks Avenue Kingston, Ontario K7K 0J7