UPDATE: Permission to Skate and Non-Resident Passport requests, News (Gananoque Minor Hockey)

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Aug 15, 2021 | Administration | 483 views
UPDATE: Permission to Skate and Non-Resident Passport requests
Please note Permission to Skate forms (PTS) for AAA tryouts, or a Non-Resident Player Passport (NRP) for AA tryouts (U13 and above) will not be released by OMHA until after September 1st.

If you have already requested a PTS or NRP via the GMHA website link they will be processed and a copy will be sent to the email provided as soon as access to the forms is possible. 

If you have not yet requested a form and intend on attending AAA or AA tryouts please go the main page of the GMHA website or click on the below link. 

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