AGM Recap, News (Gananoque Minor Hockey)

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Apr 27, 2021 | Administration | 826 views
AGM Recap
Thank you to all who attended our 2nd annual virtual AGM.

Please find below a brief recap of the AGM GMHA 2020-2021

Executive -- 
President: Jason Kee
Vice President: vacant
2nd Vice President (REP Convenor): Jeremy France
OMHA Centre Contact/Registrar: Marilynn Thivierge
Treasurer: Charlene O'Connor
Equipment Director: Mike Ferguson
Fundraising: Laura Webster
Secretary: Catherine Ferguson
House Convenor: Troy Dano
House Convenor: Trish Brown
Ice Scheduler: Lana Campbell
Past President: Robb Bowman

Thank you to Tina Heurter and Angie Lindop  for their years of dedication and volunteering on the Executive!! You will both be missed.

Welcome back to Jeremy and welcome to Laura! 

GMHA Award Winners --

This past season was different than anyone could have ever imagined. We were fortunate enough to have a hockey season, but many different restrictions changed the way we needed to operate. With these changes we needed volunteers. More coaches, more trainers, more managers and Covid screeners at the door. At year end, GMHA normally asks the membership to submit names for awards including Coach of the Year (Local League and Rep), Manager of the Year (Local League and Rep) and the Volunteer of the Year. In a season where there were so many more people volunteering, choosing a person of the year at each position would have been a difficult task. Therefore, the GMHA Executive has chosen the most fitting and deserving person(s) to receive the awards this year…and the winner is… The GMHA Membership!!

Congratulations to our graduating U18 Players.
As with all aspects of life right now, there are many uncertainties - and many of our U18 players are uncertain as to if the 2020-21 season will be their final year with GMHA. We can, however, say with certainty, that the following players have 'officially' graduated from GMHA and we wish them all the best on their new adventures: Ethan Wilman Destiny Neitzen (photo) Brett Lackie Matthew Donovan Luke Gostlin.

The following U18 players may or may not return to GMHA as players next year: Dylan Cox, Hannah Baldree, Adam Deir, David Kay, Cole Locatelli, Colin Mayhew, Josh Mumford, Austin Patreau, and Brecken Turner. Please know that you will always have a home here at GMHA. Come back and volunteer, as a coach, on a committee, as a board member. You are always welcome!

The GMHA Executive would like to take the time to acknowledge coach Scott Lackie. Throughout the years Scott has volunteered many hours to coach his son Brett and so many other kids in GMHA. We thank Scott for his years of service and dedication. Thanks coach! 

The draft minutes from tonights meeting will be posted to the website (under on line Library) shortly.

GMHA Executive
Kingston Orthopaedic Pain Institute 800 John Marks Avenue Kingston, Ontario K7K 0J7