GMHA AGM -- 27th April 2021, News (Gananoque Minor Hockey)

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Apr 11, 2021 | Administration | 532 views
GMHA AGM -- 27th April 2021
Gananoque Minor Hockey's Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held
Tuesday April 27th.

For the second straight year the AGM will be held virtually via Zoom.

We will once again have a power point presentation highlighting this past season.

In order to help us facilitate this we are asking our membership to forward any questions you may have for the AGM to us now.  That way we can formulate answers, as best we can, to your questions, as many members may have the same questions, comments, thoughts and suggestions.

Please forward your questions, comments, and/or suggestions to [email protected] by no later than April 20th.
Election of officers
The following positions are up for re-election this year:
  1. Vice President 
  2. Treasurer
  3. Fundraising Director
  4. Equipment Director
  5. REP Convenor --currently vacant --  one year remaining in term
If you are interested in serving on the GMHA Executive or wish to nominate someone please forward your/their name along with the position(s) to [email protected] by no later than April 20th.. Please note that if you nominate someone they will be contacted to see if they are in fact interested.

For a full description of these roles and their responsibilities/duties that can be found on the GMHA website under Libraries.

Proposed amendments or Changes to the GMHA Constitution
Any notice of any proposed amendments or changes to the Constitution and or ByLaws must be filed with the Secretary of GMHA, [email protected], by no later than April 17th (10 days prior to the AGM). A copy of the Constitution can be found under the library section on the home page of  the GMHA website.

AGM Agenda
1. Sign In/Register
2. Presidents welcome address.
3. Reading of the minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting
4. Discussion of minutes.
5. Reading of outstanding correspondence.
6. Business arising out of the outstanding correspondence.
7. President’s Report
8. Treasurer Report 
9. Vice Presidents report
10. REP & Local League Convenor reports
11. Directors Reports – Fundraising, Equipment
12. Old business
13. Consideration of constitution, by-laws, rules, amendments thereof.
14. Election of new Executive Officers
15. New business

GMHA Executive 


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