Executive Communication - 31 March 2021, News (Gananoque Minor Hockey)

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Mar 31, 2021 | Administration | 782 views
Executive Communication - 31 March 2021
Your GMHA Executive met this past Monday evening to finalize what has definitely a different and unique season of hockey!!

A lot of THANK YOU's are owed to many who allowed our season to be successful.

First, to the following local businesses who once again sponsored Gan Minor Hockey: Baldree's No Frills, McCann Farm Automation, Gananoque Home Hardware, Gananoque Legion, and the IP program sponsor Tim Hortons

Secondly, to our  volunteer coaches, trainers, managers, and covid-Entry Screeners, with you we had a safe and successful season, without you that doesn't happen. 

A third thank you goes out to our players and their family member(s) who adhered to our return to play protocols. We know it didn't seem fair at times to miss out on a game or practice, but the important thing was that the players were able to be on the ice. We thank you all for making our jobs easier!

During the GMHA Executive Meeting a discussion was held with regards to the finances and the lost ice time during the season.  The GMHA  Executive was able to come up with a pro-rated refund program and we are excited to share that there will be reimbursements for GMHA families. Reimbursements will based on the level of registration fees paid, multi-player family discounts and date of registration.  Cheques will be drawn up per family and distributed when ready. To facilitate the distribution of cheques we ask that if you have moved since September 2020 to please email Charlene O'Connor at [email protected].
Lastly, we have scheduled the GMHA AGM for Tuesday, April 27th at 7pm. Based on last years success it will once again be a virtual meeting.  More information will be sent out on this as it becomes available.

2020-2021 GMHA Executive
Kingston Orthopaedic Pain Institute 800 John Marks Avenue Kingston, Ontario K7K 0J7