Mar 16, 2021 | Administration | 947 views
GMHA received this from The Town today ...
Our health unit is
experiencing a daily increase in COVID cases. As of yesterday numbers rose
enough that would move the health unit from yellow (protect) to orange
(restrict). This does have an impact on the Gananoque & TLTI Recreation
A few reminders…
- No spectators are allowed with the
exception of minors who are allowed one parent/guardian to accompany them to
the facility. No additional adults and or siblings/children who are not
participating may attend (moving forward no exceptions will be made).
- Screening is mandatory. Require contact information for all members of the public that enter the facility. Screening forms/contact sheets must be provided to staff at the time of rental.
- Face coverings are mandatory. Players are to take off just before going on the ice and put back on as they come off the ice
- Everyone must enter through the front door
- Play must be modified to avoid physical contact, maximum 50 people per league
We have 13 days left in the 2020-2021 ice season. The cooperation of all in following the protocols is appreciated.
Kari Lambe
Manager of Community Services
The Corporation of the Town of Gananoque