Welcome Back!!, News (Gananoque Minor Hockey)

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Feb 25, 2021 | Administration | 908 views
Welcome Back!!
Welcome back!! Your Executive hopes you have had a successful return to play to date and at this time we wanted to share with you the plan moving forward on a couple of key areas.   

1) The Good News: Teams are back on the ice and games have commenced!! We would also like to add that we are doing a great job adhering to the attendance reporting protocols put into place by the GMHA and the Town of Gananoque. We want to thank you for your efforts at this time.

2) The Bad/Sad News: The season is winding down towards the last month of action. Based on information provided from the Town today March 28th is the last rental date of GMHA.  Our goal is to balance all remaining ice times across each level to ensure ice is shared equitably.  Please ensure you are watching the website for schedules and changes as they may need to be made over the course of the next few weeks. On the brighter side, even with the shut down our ice allocation is not far off what was in place in previous years!  

3) The GMHA annual raffle draw is continuing as planned. Tickets will be available to teams starting this Thursday February 25th, your team manager/contact will receive information on where to get the tickets for distribution. Tickets are to be returned to the GMHA ticket box (the big black box with the flaming G on it) by no later than Sunday March 21st at 4pm. The draw will take place on Monday March 29th after we have let the tickets quarantine in the draw box for an appropriate period.   

4) Thank you from the Executive: Your executive would really like to thank you for your commitment, patience and understanding throughout this difficult season. It is one like no other and we have all had to make big sacrifices at and away from the rink to keep everyone safe and for the game to continue. Let's continue to remain positive and enjoy the games the players are giving us on the ice, because they are the ones who this really impacts. We understand you may have many questions with regards to reimbursements and other items and we commit to reviewing everything once everything is said and done.  Should you have any questions or concerns at this time please direct them to [email protected]

Please note: The GMHA AGM is just around the corner, start to pull out your volunteer outfit and be willing to join our committee to ensure the future is and remains in great hands.

Stay safe and Let's Play On!