Jan 12th Update, News (Gananoque Minor Hockey)

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Jan 13, 2021 | Administration | 979 views
Jan 12th Update
This week the GMHA Executive met to discuss hockey plans and how to move forward. We know at this time we are in a lock down mandated by the Ontario Government. It was determined that should a return to play be given within the next short while we will resume action where we left off, unless the guidelines from Public Health dictate otherwise. 

We understand some may have concerns with reimbursements and loss of programming and we are going to deal with all of this at once rather than provide band-aid solutions. Currently discussions with the Town are ongoing with regards to possible season extensions based on availability of ice. Our goal is to provide a full season experience if and when possible. Please refer any questions to [email protected]


OHF Communication: On January 12th the OHF hosted a Town Hall meeting for associations participation and to review the following:  

1. Lockdown and control modifications -- All Stages of return to play will remain in effect, if/when return to play is able to occur

2. Progression to Modified phase 3 stage 3d -- 
GMHA - remains within it's own PHU and there are not any impact to our programming at this time.

3. 2020-2021 Season extension  -- OHF has approved an extension of the 2020-21 season until May 31, 2021* to allow for player experience, due to the program closure and provincial restrictions and since there are no spring tryouts allowed for the 2021-22 season. *Dependent on associations availability to run a program. 

4. Postponement of 2021 Spring Tryouts -- OHF has confirmed all tryouts for AAA/AA will occur in September 2021 following a registration, and preparation phase.  


We are sharing the most recent information we have been given at this time. As soon as we have further direction for return to play this will be communicated.  We continue to work hard to get our players back on the ice when possible and we hope to provide them a finish to a different and unique season we are all experiencing. 


Stay safe and well wishes

Robb Bowman
GMHA President

Kingston Orthopaedic Pain Institute 800 John Marks Avenue Kingston, Ontario K7K 0J7