Dec 24, 2020 | Robb Bowman | 692 views
Dec 24th Update
As the 2020 calendar year draws to an end the GMHA Executive
is hopeful that we can return to play once cleared by the governing bodies in
We would like to thank all those (coaches, trainers, managers, "check in" monitors) who gave their time volunteering almost
getting us to the Christmas Break safely!
While we still await what our restart will look like and when that
will occur we wanted to let you know we
will revisit everything from a longer season to make up
for some lost time, extra ice times, and review of the financial status as it relates to our costs and our members. Any reimbursements at this time will be for refunds only and will follow the reimbursement policy of the GMHA constitution.
Based on the plan following the shut down we will communicate information as it becomes available.
We wish everyone a safe and happy holiday season and lets keep our sticks on the ice and follow the safety protocols with our families so we can return to play as early as possible!!
~ Robb Bowman, GMHA President