COVID-19 UPDATE -- 10 December 2020, News (Gananoque Minor Hockey)

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Dec 10, 2020 | Administration | 1136 views
COVID-19 UPDATE -- 10 December 2020
From the Desk of the Executive ..............

With the recent increase of cases within the community, GMHA is continuously working with the Public Health Unit (PHU) to share information and processes with our membership.  If a confirmed COVID-19 case is reported within the association it would trigger an investigation by the PHU to assess potential close contact exposures while the person who tested positive for COVID-19 was infectious. The PHU would assess contacts based on exposure setting and risk of exposure based on the interaction with the case. As part of the PHU case management investigation, they would be in contact with the person who tested positive for COVID-19. 

The information obtained from the person who tested positive for COVID-19 will allow the PHU to assess where they were when they were infectious and who they were in close contact with. The attendance sheets (including contact information) being completed upon arrival will help the PHU in the contact tracing efforts.  

The Public Health Unit will determine who is considered a high-risk contact of the person who tested positive for COVID-19 and directly advise these high risk contacts on self-isolation and testing requirements.  The GMHA will not disclose any personal health information we become aware of to any parties. Should we be notified of a positive case this information will not be shared, however the participant or parent/guardian who tested positive for COVID-19 may be asked for written consent for the GMHA to provide the OMHA with information about a positive case within our association. This notification remains strictly confidential and anonymous. If the PHU requests attendance sheets (including contact information) for contact tracing purposes, we are required to provide them to the PHU only.

Moving forward the GMHA asks:
All participants ensure they are completing the online screening tool located on the GMHA website and strictly follow the attendance protocols. 
*NEW  - Contact Tracing Sheets Must Be Handed to arena staff as the group is entering the facility. Screening should be done outside of the arena prior to entry (dress accordingly and arrive on time). 

·         If you or your player is symptomatic, please immediately self-isolate and call the Public Health Unit for further direction.

The safety of our players and spectators is a number one priority as we work through this return to play in these unprecedented times.


PHU Level -  OHF Stage(s) of Return To Play

Green - Permitted Activity Prevent Stage 3b . Instruction training for registered players within Association . 3v3/4v4 competition (compliant within Ontario Regulation 364/20. Specifically cohorts of 50 or less) . No travel outside of PHU unless otherwise approved by OHF . Max 30 participants (players & coaches) on-ice 


Yellow - Protect Stage 3b . Instruction training for registered players within Association . 3v3/4v4 competition (compliant within Ontario Regulation 364/20. Specifically cohorts of 50 or less) . No travel outside of PHU unless otherwise approved by OHF . Max 30 participants (players & coaches) on-ice 


Orange - Restrict Stage 3b . Instruction training for registered players within Association . 3v3/4v4 competition (compliant within Ontario Regulation 364/20. Specifically cohorts of 50 or less) . No travel outside of PHU unless otherwise approved by OHF . Max 30 participants (players & coaches) on-ice 


Red - Control Stage 1 . Instruction training for registered players within Association . Strict on-ice physical distance required . Max 10 participants (players & coaches) on-ice . Minimum 2 registered bench staff present . Recommend 1 on-ice coach . Recommend 1 off-ice trainer (behind glass) to allow for maximum on-ice participants 


Grey - Lockdown N/A . No programming delivered
