GMHA Return to Play Protocols for Players, Parents, Bench Staff & Volunteers, News (Gananoque Minor Hockey)

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Oct 31, 2020 | Administration | 982 views
GMHA Return to Play Protocols for Players, Parents, Bench Staff & Volunteers
Please read this reminder of GMHA's Return to Play Protocols, as it is extremely important that we are following them.



ALL Players, parents/guardians/volunteers who enter the arena are required to pre-screen one hour prior to arriving at the Lou Jeffries Arena. The COVID 19-Entry form, to be completed each time you enter the arena, is available online or a hardcopy can be obtained at the rink and kept with the player for entry verification each time. 

If a player has not completed the online assessment or have a hard copy with them, they will have to complete one prior to signing in.

When entering all players/parents/guardians/volunteers are required to ensure they sign the contract tracing sheet for their session and a contact number must be provided.

Session Tracking forms will be copied (scan/picture) and sent to the GMHA vice-president and then given to a Gananoque &TLTI Facilities employee

Player/Coach/Bench Staff/ Arrival:

Players and Bench Staff must arrive within the 15-minute timeframe prior to the start of their ice time, no late entry will be permitted

Prescreening must be completed prior to entry into the facility

Players and Bench Staff must sign in or be signed in upon arrival

Players MUST arrive dressed with the exception of helmet/skates/gloves for players, and pads, skates, upper body protection, helmet/gloves for goalies

Players and Bench Staff must proceed directly to the designated dressing room, adhere to the dressing room limits and ensure their mask remains on until they are ready to put on their helmet

Players are to remain in their dressing room until ice is ready for their rental

Players/Bench Staff are not to share items, especially water bottles

Parent/Guardian Arrival:

Parents must pre-screen prior to entry into the facility

- ONLY one parent may attend the ice session for their child and when they arrive, if required (ie atom and below) may assist their player to finish dressing and then they must exit the dressing room and find a physically distant space within the stands

Parents will only be allowed to enter through the main door within the 15-minute window prior to rental. Should you leave or be late you will not be allowed into the building

If you are not staying with your player, the GMHA would ask you ensure you have an emergency contact parent in attendance, and this is communicated with your team’s trainer 

Exiting Arena:

All parents/players/volunteers will exit the building to the exit beside the allocated dressing room.  If you are in dressing room 1 – exit via door by Room 1; if you are in 2,3, or 4 – exit is the door between Rooms 2/3.

If you leave the building during the ice rental you will not be allowed back in

All exiting players/parents have no longer than 15 minutes to exit the building

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