Sep 28, 2020 | Robb Bowman | 892 views
Week One Complete
Weekend one has ended and we had a successful return to play for the most part. Of course a few hiccups along the road that we still try and manage in this new hockey.
A few reminders for this coming week:
1) Arrival - it is important you arrive on time to get into the arena. Should you not make the 15 minute window the player/parent will not be allowed to enter. Once you leave the arena you are not permitted re-entry. You may wait at the exit door for your player who is exiting
2) Online Self Check - reminder there is an online self check tool available for screening that you and your player are to complete before the ice session. It helps with a speedy entry and allows GMHA to monitor those who are symptom free. Please ensure you enter players full name, companions name, phone number, and division. Properly completing the assessment is essential.
3) Players should remain in/around their dressing room until the zamboni is done re-surfacing the ice. Parents should evacuate the area as soon as possible as well.
4) Levels are still looking for interested coaches and trainers. Volunteers to help with the contract tracing sheets for ice sessions are also needed, please contact your convenor should you be interested..
Let's help keep the rink a safe place and allow hockey to continue....