On June 2nd OMHA held a Q&A session for its associations to discuss return to play and what it looks like. The nature of the webinar was for associations to get some questions answered. Below are some key points from the meeting.
Schedule and Return to Play:
- Goal for return to play planning right now is to start following Labour day
- Based on the Ontario Governments notice- OHF has created working group to look at what an ideal season would look like
- keeping players playing as long as possible in the best environment possible
- Maybe a phased in approach skating, skill development sessions before a full return takes place. Will need to work with associations on what is feasible.
- Tryouts - Similar as above - maybe a phased in approach, working with Hockey Canada and will share options when possible
- Will there be rep/travel hockey? In a perfect world of return it would be the way it was, this will all be dependent on the Governments directives. Could be on a regional basis. Everything is on the table right now
- Associations are encouraged to open registrations but not collect any fees at this time.
- Associations obtaining registration numbers will help with the planning and roll out of return to play when given the go ahead.
Will Tournaments be happening this upcoming year?
- No decision has been made, this will be at the direction given when return to play is allowed to happen and what the stipulations are to travel, social distance etc.
- Return to play date will play a big factor on this
Certification Requirements:
- In class sessions not likely to be scheduled. Looking into online approach, possible extension to qualifications.
- Encouraging all coaches to get online and take PD sessions for renewal points.
Referee Clinics - possibly online classes, goal is to have training available
Health and Safety
- What happens if a player/staff is diagnosed with Covid-19? Unknown at this time what it looks like but will fall under the contingency plans to be established and shared
- Concerns with Shared equipment especially at goalie in the younger divisions. Protocols will need to be established for cleaning, limit or stopping the sharing of equipment. Could include a hold on the rotational mandated goalie (TBD).
- All direction on safety protocols will be followed by Public Health direction in the return to play.
- OMHA/OHF/Hockey Canada wants hockey back but the safety of play for participants will be first and foremost
Squash Rumours: There are some rumours floating around but nothing is on or off the table. We will share information as we get it:
- Will the season be 3v3, 4v4 - centre based season? Nothing has been decided, it may come down to what the association would support or like to implement.
- Will clear shields (Fishbowls) be mandatory? There is no evidence that makes these safer than the regular cages.
- Is it true there will be no rep/travel hockey? As of right now, nothing is off the table. Our direction is to move forward with a hopeful plan to return for Labour day