Apr 30, 2020 | Administration | 1255 views
GMHA AGM and update
Thank you to all who took the time out of their schedules to attend the GMHA Virtual AGM tonight.
Please find below a brief recap of the AGM
GMHA 2020-2021 Executive --
President: Robb Bowman
Vice President: Jason Kee
2nd Vice President (REP Convenor): vacant
OMHA Centre Contact/Registrar: Marilynn Thivierge
Treasurer: Charlene O'Connor
Equipment Director: Mike Ferguson
Fundraising: Angie Lindop and Tina Heurter
Secretary: Catherine Ferguson
House Convenor - U11 & Below(Future Stars, IP, MinNovice, Novice & Atom):Troy Dano
House Convenor -- U13 and above (Peewee, Bantam, Midget): Trish Cowan
Ice Scheduler: Lana Campbell
Thank you to Jeremy France and Natalee Crozier for their years of dedication and volunteering on the Executive!! You will both be missed.
Welcome to Troy Dano and Trish Cowan!!
GMHA Award Winners --
Volunteer of the Year -- Jason Kee
REP Coach of the Year -- Jamie Nichol Carne, MIDGET REP
REP Manager of the Year -- Natasha Medd, Novice REP
House Coach of the Year -- Fraser Hambleton, Novice LL
House Manager of the Year -- Trish Cowan, Bantam Black LL
Congratulations to the REP Coaches for the upcoming season who were selected this week,
Novice REP - Ryan Easton
Atom REP - Jason Kee
Peewee REP - Robb Bowman
Bantam REP -- position is still open for applicants
Midget REP -- Jamie Nicholl Carne
The draft minutes from last nights meeting will be posted to the website (under on line Library) shortly.