UPDATED APRIL 21 --- Important message and update from GMHA Executive -- please read, News (Gananoque Minor Hockey)

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Apr 19, 2020 | Administration | 1507 views
UPDATED APRIL 21 --- Important message and update from GMHA Executive -- please read

ICHL CONVENOR positions are both up for reelection this season (2yr term)

Important Message and update from the GMHA Executive

Dear GMHA Families:

We are still in uncharted territory with the unfortunate end of last season and the uncertainty as to when the 2020-2021 season will commence. In the meantime, the current Executive feels that we should start planning for 2020-2021 season, so we will be prepared and ready to go! 

Registration for the 2020-2021 will open May 1st.  Given the current COVID-19 situations and the financial burden it may have caused our hockey families  the Executive, at this time and subject to change, has kept the fees at the same as rates as 2019-2020. 
GMHA FEES FOR 2019-2020

Future Stars $330
Initiation & Tyke $430
Novice to Midget/Juvenile $530
GMHA Cash Draw Fundraising $120 (one player)
GMHA Cash Draw Fundraising $170 (two or more players in family)
REP Try out $60
REP Team Fee $175
Family Discount for 3 Players registered $170
Family Discount for 4 Players registered $220

Monthly installment payment plans will be made available from May 1 and extended to November 30. Payments in full will be excepted any time between May 1 and November 30th.
Given that, the Executive does not want to see anyone not able to play hockey because of the financial burden COVID-19 has caused.  Please reach out to our treasurer and let her know if further financial 
arrangements need to be made. 
Hockey is a great sport and kids being able to get back out on the ice will be one step in helping getting "life back to normal"
In keeping with the current government regulations of social distancing we are looking into setting up our AGM to be virtual this year, with the hope that it can still be April 29th. More information on this to follow. 
Our intent to have a power point presentation to review the past season -- Executive member reports and highlights from the season!  In order to help us facilitate this we are asking our membership to forward any of the questions you may have for the AGM to us now.  That way we can formulate answers, as best we can, to your questions.  Many members may have the same questions, comments and suggestions,  but may not have been able to attend the AGM in person.
Please forward your questions, comments, and/or suggestions to [email protected] by no later than April 23rd.
Election of officers
The following positions are up for relection this year:
President *
2nd VP - REP COvenor *
OMHA Centre COntact/Registrar *
Ice Scheduler

All above positions are two year terms 
*require having served one year previously on the GMHA Executive
If you are interested yourself in position or wish to nominate someone please forward your/their name and position(s) you wish to run for to [email protected] by no later than April 23rd. Please note that if you nominate someone they will be contacted to see if they are in fact interested.
For a full description of these roles and their responsibilities/duties that can be found on the GMHA website under Libraries.
We hope everyone remains safe and is taking all precautionary measures with social distancing and self isolating.
~ GMHA EXECUTIVE 2019-2020
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