Apr 10, 2019 | Administration | 788 views
GMHA AGM -- Election Results & Awards
Thank you to all who took the time out of their schedules to attend the GMHA AGM last evening.
GMHA 2019-2020 Executive --
President: Robb Bowman
Vice President: Jason Kee
2nd Vice President (REP Convenor): Jeremy France
OMHA Centre Contact/Registrar: Marilynn Thivierge
Treasurer: Charlene O'Connor
Equipment Director: Mike Ferguson
Fundraising: Angie Lindop and Tina Heurter
Secretary: Catherine Ferguson
House Convenor -- Future Stars, IP, Minor Novice, Novice and Atom: Natalee Crozier
House Convenor -- Peewee, Bantam, Midget: Michelle Flegal
Ice Scheduler: Lana Campbell
GMHA Award Winners --
Volunteer of the Year -- Geoff Hunt
REP Coach of the Year -- Jason Burwood, Bantam REP
REP Manager of the Year -- Lana Campbell, Atom REP
House Coach of the Year -- Mike Paul, Bantam White LL
House Manager of the Year -- Trish Cowan, Bantam White LL
The draft minutes from last nights meeting will be posted to the website (under on line Library) shortly.