Mar 02, 2019 | Administration | 735 views
This weekend in Gan Minor Hockey....
This is the last weekend of GMHA hockey for the 2018-2019 and is a busy one with most of our teams seeing action!!
A few of our teams are in the running for league championships!!
The Atom and Peewee REP teams play in Centre Hastings tomorrow for the EOMHL League Championship.
Peewee Red (coached by Chris Bruder) ICHL team faces off against Frontenac 1 in Stirling for top spot in the
ICHL Peewee Division tomorrow.
Midget Red (coached by Geoff Hunt) ICHL team is up against PEC2 in Gananoque today at 4:30 for the ICHL Midget Division Crown.
Other Gan teams seeing action this weekend ...
Novice HL in Napanee
Atom Red in Loyalist
Atom Black in PEC - Wellington
Bantam Red in Frontenac
Bantam White in Stone Mills
Midget White in Gananoque