GMHA Ice Scheduler, News (Gananoque Minor Hockey)

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Oct 22, 2018 | Administration | 807 views
GMHA Ice Scheduler
GMHA is currently looking for someone to take over the duties of GMHA Ice Scheduler for the remainder of the 2018-2019 season and for the 2019-2020 season. The Ice Scheduler position is a two year term.

As outlined in the GMHA Constitution duties of the Ice Scheduler are as follows -- 
a) Shall perform such duties as assisgned by the President and/or Executive
b) Shall be responsible for scheduling all games/practices for all ICHL/REP teams for regular season, playoffs and exhibition games


c) Shall be responsible to providing dates to schedule games to all coaches and managers for the purpose of setting season schedules 
d) Shall attending scheduling meetings for both REP/ICHL teams
e) Shall be responsible for scheduling and training competent timekeepers for both ICHL/REP games be it exhibition, regular season, playoffs or home tournaments 
f) Shall be responsible for the monthly tally of Timekeeper hours and pass tally onto GMHA Treasurer for the issue of payment.

In addition to the ice scheduling, duties include attending GMHA Executive meetings, this includes monthly board meetings and attend the AGM. 

If you are interested in this position please submit your application to [email protected] by no later than 5pm on October 26th 2018.

GMHA Executive
