May 31, 2018 | Administration | 853 views
Reminder that GMHA On Line Registration is OPEN!!
Reminder that GMHA On-Line Registration for the 2018-2019 Hockey Season is now open.
Hockey fees for the upcoming season have not increased. Basic registration cost is still $300 for Future Stars, $400 IP/Tyke and $500 for Novice and above. There is a mandatory fundraising fee of $100 for one player or $150 for families with two or more players. Rep try out fee remains at $50.
If you register after September 1st there is a $50 late fee per player. Take advantage of registering early and having smaller payments by staggering them over a longer period of time. After the initial payment on the date you register, payments will then be charged on the 1st of each month with the last payment being on October 1st.
Registration will once again be on-line ONLY. You can find step by step registration procedures by clicking on the Registration tab on the Home page and then going to General Information.
For returning GMHA members start the registration process through the SIGN IN HERE box. You will need your email address and password you used last year. If you cannot remember your password click on the forgot password link and follow the instructions.
If you are new to GMHA this year, welcome! All new registrants must provide proof of age (birth certificate, passport, health card) and one parent/guardian must complete the Respect in Sport Parent Activity course before your child is allowed on the ice. The Respect in Sport Parent Activity course is mandated by the OMHA, our governing body. Please contact Marilynn Thivierge (Registrar) at [email protected] to obtain the necessary code and instructions for the course and to provide proof of age for your child.
If you have any questions regarding the on-line registration process please contact Marilynn Thivierge (Registrar) or Charlene O'Connor (Treasurer) at [email protected].
2018-2019 GMHA Executive