GMHA Annual General Meeting -- April 4th, News (Gananoque Minor Hockey)

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Mar 06, 2017 | Marilynn Thivierge | 7180 views
GMHA Annual General Meeting -- April 4th
This year’s AGM will be held TUESDAY APRIL 4th at 7pm upstairs at the Gan Rec Centre.

If you plan on attending, which we hope you will, please indicate by clicking YES on the Organization Poll box on the left hand side. 

Any proposed amendments or changes to the GMHA Constitution and/or Bylaws must be submitted in writing by 11:59pm Friday March 24th 2017. Submissions to be made by either mail or by email to [email protected].

Election of officers will be held at the AGM.  If you are interested in joining the Executive please forward your name and position of interest to [email protected]. Nominations will also be accepted on the floor the evening of the AGM.

Please see below the agenda for the AGM. Copy of the current Constitution may be found on the website under Libraries. 


(a) Check of voting powers and credentials, (to be noted in the minutes of this meeting.)

(b) Presidents welcome address.

(c) Reading of the minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting and all other General Meetings held since that time.

(d) Discussion of minutes.

(e) Reading of outstanding correspondence.

(f) Business arising out of the outstanding correspondence.

(g) Annual report of the secretary.

(h) Annual report of the treasurer (audited copy of statement available for each member)

(i) Presidents report

(j) 1 st Vice Presidents report

(k) 2 nd Vice Presidents report

(l) Old business

(m)Consideration of constitution, by-laws, rules, amendments thereof.

(n) Election of new Executive Officers

(o) New business

(p) Good and Welfare of GMHA

We hope to see you there,

GMHA Executive

Tim Horton's
THE FIRST GOAL IS HAVING FUN. The Timbits Minor Sports Program is a community-oriented sponsorship program that provides opportunities for kids aged four to nine to play house league sports. The philosophy of the program is not based on winning or losing, but on learning a new sport, making new friends, and just being a kid. Tim Hortons currently supports more than 300,000 children on teams in hockey, soccer, ringette, lacrosse, softball and baseball leagues in Canada. Our sponsorship includes jerseys, coaching tools, participation medals and a local “Timbits Jamboree” to help kick off, or wrap up each season. For more information on registering for a Timbits Program in your community, please contact your local minor sports association.