Dodge Caravan Novice Red -- Tournament Recap, News (Gananoque Minor Hockey)

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Feb 24, 2017 | Marilynn Thivierge | 806 views
Dodge Caravan Novice Red -- Tournament Recap
The Gananoque Novice Red team took part in the South Grenville Novice House League tournament on Family Day weekend.  


The team had an excellent weekend of game play.  Friday afternoon they faced South Stormont and won 4-2. Saturday, they defeated Char Lan in the morning and Kemptville that afternoon. In the quarter finals Sunday morning the team went against Clarence Creek in a do ride game and ended up on top 2-0, earning goaltender Stevie Mangan a shutout. In the semi-finals the team went up against a strong Brockville team.  It was a close, hard game that took them into overtime. With determination and hard work Gananoque pulled out another win, earning a place in the A final against Cornwall. They played hard and never gave up despite being exhausted.  Unfortunately, they ended up coming up short in a 4-1 loss ending up 2nd place out of 16 teams!!  The boys and girl demonstrated great sportsmanship and determination the entire weekend and represented Gananoque Minor Hockey very well. Way to go Gan Novice Red!!