Welcome to the updated GMHA website!, News (Gananoque Minor Hockey)

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Nov 17, 2016 | Marilynn Thivierge | 1028 views
Welcome to the updated GMHA website!

Welcome to GMHA's updated website...

Our revitalized website allows for greater ease to see GMHA's schedule for practice times, games and tournaments.

On the HOME PAGE there is a calendar showing all GMHA games and practices over the next 5 days or if you wish to see the full calendar click on FULL CALENDAR (Tab in top right hand corner or the calendar) You can also see your team's calendar by clicking TEAM SITES and then clicking on your individual team. You can see your team calendar for the next five days or the full calendar.

On the HOME PAGE there is a section called UPCOMING EVENTS, events like our REP and House Tournament dates, are listed here.

GMHA Executive members, Coaches and assistant coaches, along with their email addresses, are listed under CONTACT US.

If your are needing to take a course, either the RIS PARENT course or a bench staff course, click on LINKS and the links to the OMHA website are there for clinics and to the Respect in Sport websites.

If you are looking for a form -- you can either click on FORMS or go to the LIBRARY and find them there.

To register for hockey you simply click on the REGISTRATION tab and you will be taken to the registration process.

All our minutes from previous meetings can be found in the LIBRARY.

You can subscribe to the WEBSITE CALENDAR to keep track of your child(ren)'s
team(s).  This is a great way to put your hockey events into your favourite calendar/planner app (like Outlook or Google Calendar). Note this is a “live” calendar feed, so if and when updates (additions/cancellations) are added to your team calendar, they should be updated automatically in your favourite calendar program. 

There is a direct link (LINKS) to the EOMHL and ICHL websites, so you no longer have to toggle back and forth between websites to look at standings.

We have a direct link to follow our Junior C team -- go to LINKS

We appreciate your patience during this changeover.  We hope you like the new format, we know we do!!

GMHA Executive 2016-2017

Tim Horton's
THE FIRST GOAL IS HAVING FUN. The Timbits Minor Sports Program is a community-oriented sponsorship program that provides opportunities for kids aged four to nine to play house league sports. The philosophy of the program is not based on winning or losing, but on learning a new sport, making new friends, and just being a kid. Tim Hortons currently supports more than 300,000 children on teams in hockey, soccer, ringette, lacrosse, softball and baseball leagues in Canada. Our sponsorship includes jerseys, coaching tools, participation medals and a local “Timbits Jamboree” to help kick off, or wrap up each season. For more information on registering for a Timbits Program in your community, please contact your local minor sports association.